
Want to rent your boat via SailEazy?

The SailEazy team assesses our members’ skipper ability while at sea. Only experienced sailors can rent and sail independently. All other customers are accompanied by a SailEazy coach, both a qualified and experienced professional.

By entrusting the management of your sailboat to SailEazy, we guarantee a spot on the docks, as well as permanent surveillance by our teams. SailEazy provides you with its expertise and mobile app for a transparent and secure collaboration and your own peace of mind.

The mobile app allows you to follow the maintenance of your sailboat and its customer outings in real-time.

Are you planning on acquiring a sailboat ?
Contact us >

Peace of mind




A place on the docks

Continuous surveillance

Experienced users

Real-time notifications for each booking

Real-time maintenance monitoring

Wish to entrust your boat’s management to SailEazy ?
Contact us >

Ils font confiance à SailEazy


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